Algo VPN on Debian 10

Algo is a fantastic open source VPN, and I've been using it for years to quickly spin up Strongswan, and now Wireguard VPN servers in DigitalOcean.  All the major public cloud providers are supported. Just provide a cloud provider API key, edit config.cfg to taste, and off you go.  These Algo jump boxes are great for getting network level protection when you're on sketchy wifi, or for bypassing draconian filtering restrictions on in-flight wifi.

Recently I was looking to retire the L2TP VPN endpoint that I had created on my Unifi USG, and replace it with a Wireguard endpoint for faster and more secure road warrior access while traveling.  Thus I wanted to deploy Algo, but to a local VM instead of to a cloud instance.

Algo supports local installs to Ubuntu 20.04 systems out of the box, but when I tried to deploy to a Debian 10 VM, I got the following error:

No Wireguard package on Debian 10 "Buster" huh?  Looks like the Wireguard team publishes a binary, but only to the Buster backports repo.  Easy enough to fix that:

echo 'deb buster-backports main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/buster_backports.list

sudo apt update

apt show wireguard

Once you've added the backports repo, you can run algo as usual to deploy to your local system.  Note that if you are using a FQDN rather than an IP to identify your Algo server (to clients), you'll need to ensure that they resolve with both IPv4 and IPv6 (even just via /etc/hosts) in order for the Algo run to complete successfully.